Slide & Photo Scanning
.50 cents per image. Your photos, slides and negatives are scanned, cropped, enhanced and saved as JPEG files. These files can then be easily edited, shared via email, printed either at home or at a commercial photo lab (best choice considering the low cost per print) and posted on line to share. Transferring your pictures to a computer based file format serves the purpose of archiving your photos very effectively. Once your pictures have been scanned and put on a CD or Flash Drive, you can quickly transfer them to your computer’s hard drive. Copy them once more to a cloud storage service and you’ll effectively have three copies of of your photos which greatly reduces the chance of losing them to fire, flood or the effects of aging. Certain larger sized photos and slides are subject to an additional charge. There is a 10 cent surcharge for slides stored in metal frames and magazines to cover for the time needed to remove them.
Image Scanning FAQ
How should I organize my photos before bringing them in for scanning?
Is there a right and a wrong way of doing this?
A) Again, this is a matter of personal preference. Each picture scanned will have a unique identifying number assigned to it. For our fictitious customer Mr. Smith we’ll label his first picture “Smith001”. Successive pictures will end in 002, 003, etc.
The idea is to make it as easy as possible to find the pictures you are looking for which can be difficult if you have hundreds or even thousands of pictures to go through. Suggestions I have made to past customers include arranging all of your photos chronologically, grouping them by event or particular family member, dividing them up into groups by calendar year or putting all the holidays, birthdays and graduations into their own sub category.
How do you clean slides and negatives?
A) Prior to scanning they are dusted off with compressed air.
Can you scan those old style stereo slides that were popular in the 60’s?
A) Yes, I can. There is an additional handling charge for these since they must be opened manually and removed from their glass frames.