Custom Photo Montages & Slide Shows
$2.00 per picture includes all of the following: Scanning, cropping and color enhancement of all of your images, creation of the slideshow with transitions between each picture, opening and closing titles and background music.
DVD Slideshow
Frequently Asked Questions
Q) All of my images are already digital. Can you work with these?
A) Yes, we can. There are, however, some questions I’ll have about the quality and image size. Please contact me so we can discuss your project further.
Q) Do I have to scan the pictures myself?
A) No. Scanning, cropping and color enhancement are all included.
Q) Does the size of the picture matter? Will small wallet sized pictures look small on the screen?
A) No. Every 4 X 6 and larger photo will fill the screen. Wallet sized and portrait pictures will fill the screen from top to bottom with black bars on the right and left sides.
Q) How long will my slideshow be?
A) That depends on how many pictures you want to use. There isn’t any right or wrong on the subject of running time. How long your video runs is solely a matter of personal preference. If you’re planning to show your project at an event where attendees are to be seated to watch the show you might want to consider capping your project at 15 or so minutes. This will keep the audience’s fidget factor to a minimum. If your DVD is going to be shown at a birthday party or a funeral home viewing where the idea is simply let the DVD play in the background, no such time restraints are warranted. Attendees can watch as little or as much of the video as they want. In these instances I recommend an auto start and repeat play disc. Once inserted in your DVD player or computer, the DVD will load and begin playing. When the end of the disc is reached it will automatically restart from the beginning.
Each picture will be on screen for 5 seconds. Taking into account the duration of each transition (1 second each) gives us 10 pictures per minute. Using the 10 pictures per minute standard will help you measure the running time of your slideshow.
Q) How many songs should I pick?
A) This will be determined by how long your slideshow runs. To make this easier assume that each song will run an average of three minutes. For a 15 minute video you’ll need at least 5 songs. Always include an additional song as an alternate in case one of your selections is not available from the iTunes web site.
Q) Does the disc need to be restarted once it has played through?
A) No. The disc is designed to repeat play. When the end is reached it will automatically restart from the beginning.
Q) What devices can this be played on?
A) Any DVD player or computer.
Q) How should I bring the pictures to you?
A) Hard copies of photos to be scanned should be stacked with the first photo on top followed by the rest in the order that you would like them to appear. Any digital pictures can be copied to a flash drive or CD in the order you would like them to appear. A good way to maintain the order of your photo pile is to place them in a box, first photo on top with successive photos underneath. If you want to be extra thorough with your preparation you can always attach Post It notes on each photo to indicate its order or simply number them on the back in pencil.